Jellycat Amuseable Rose Bouquet

Say I Love You with a Red Rose Bouquet

The Amuseable Rose Bouquet by Jellycat is simply stunning!! It is the perfect way to say I Love You or to simply cheer a friend up. A trio of soft red roses in full bloom with green suedette leaves and stems with stitched detail are wrapped up in beige linen. Tied with a ribbon and wearing an embroidered smile, this bunch is blooming gorgeous!!

Who wouldn’t love a bunch of roses?! But not just any roses, these are Jellycat Amuseable Rose Bouquet!  An absolute classic .

What better gift to give than ever-lasting flowers? A perfect Valentine’s, or Mother’s Day gift perhaps. Jellycat flowers will make a gorgeous gift for children or adults! They are cuddly, cute, and super quirky and the best part is… no watering needed!

Size 30cm X 17cm X 6cm

Care Instructions: Sponge clean only;
do not tumble dry, dry clean or iron.
Not recommended to clean in a washing machine.
Check all labels upon arrival of purchase.
Safety Recommendations:
Please do not leave in a cot/crib due to its size, Suitable from birth
Tested to and complies with EN71, ASTM, and ISO 8124



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